All the outcome data can be accessed at the serial port in a well defined format that makes it usable for any application.
GPS and/or IMU for accurate navigation and camera control.
All AeroNav-Receivers use c/a coded L1 smoothed positioning with a refresh rate of 10 Hz. This enables a precise navigation that is essential for precise aerial imaging.
AeroNav-Receivers are already designed with a bi-directional communication with AeroTopoL to support Camera Release and Camera-Event management.
AeroNav-GPS is a very compact system that includes all needed basic features.
AeroNav-Vector includes a high quality GPS-Vector board that enables with 10 Hz refresh rate the true-heading determination.
AeroNav-GPS/IMU includes Vector and an IMU to determine the Roll and Pitch angles. This innovative IMU Sensor is a self-calibrating multi sensor technique that is able to overtake true-heading if the vector fails.
AeroNav GPS/IMU with Snapbox for RMK top
AeroNav GPS with integrated Snapbox